Friday, May 20, 2011

Kirk Cameron Verbal Clash !!

Cameron who is a Christian evangelist and is also the head of the online ministry, Way of the Master, wrote on his facebook wall that to say something ill of Stephen Hawking would be like bulling him or like bulling a blind man.

Hawking does have a drawback, a motor neuron disease that has left him paralyzed the whole life, but this drawback is an advantage for him too. It provides him with the free pass on some absurd ideas of his.

According to Cameron, Hawking is given the name the genius of Britain and believes that nothing was actually been created from absolute nothing and even our lives have been created from nothing at all.

Cameron also mention
s some kind of tongue lashing words towards Beatles singer, John Lennon that Hawking believes that there is no heaven and that Lennon was not certain but he pretended that in fact there was no heaven.

He went on telling that such thoughts reveals what John and Hawking perspectiv
e is about religion and such thoughts cannot be counted as good science.

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